Guest Videos
ArtandMed knows that there are a lot of great videos out there by and about artists who have done amazing work about living with all sorts of illnesses. If you have a video you'd like us to post, please send a youtube link and a short description. We would love to spread your message, vision and talent.
Pathos The Art of Life explores how chronic illness facilitates different kinds of artistic production. Focussing on the lives of four American artists, Ted Meyer, Susan Trachman, Rose-Lynn Fisher and Dominic Quagliozzi, the film investigates the obstacles and challenges negotiated on a daily basis whilst living with illness, and how these events act as creative catalysts.
For more information on this video contact Lexy Porter |
When Art and Med friend Liz Atkin travels anywhere, she spends the journey sketching on any paper she can lay her hands on - and gives her artwork away for free. It's a form of therapy that helps with the constant compulsion she feels to pick at her skin.
Click here to contact Liz |
Artist Ariana Pages shares her work about Dermatographia, a condition also known as skin writing. When people who have dermatographia lightly scratch their skin, the scratches redden into raised welts, or hives.
If rubbed the wrong way while out at a social gathering it could potentially be very embarrassing. It also causes the skin to itch, sometimes to the point of extreme discomfort. As Ariana grew more aware of dermatographia, she started to embrace these skin flare-ups instead of hiding from them. She began creating and photographing the welts for the purposes of her art, making designs, patterns and text on her skin. In doing so, she began educating people about dermatographia and how to treat it–Skintome is the vehicle for this education and has now become a community. To see more of Ariana's work click here |
Drawing from his experience as an undocumented immigrant as a point of departure, artist Guadalupe Maravilla examines the relationship between his work and the shared trauma of border crossing and cancer.